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SOS button and emergency call is the principal function of our Ton Ange Gardien watch !
In case of emergency, fall, illness, or whatever situation needs an SOS call, with the push of a button, you can call 3 registered numbers, one after the other, till a response! It’s up to you to enter the numbers to call via the app : kids, neighbors, a nurse, your doctor, or even 112 or 911 ! Just note that if an automatic responder takes the call, the watch will stop calling ! Choose the numbers to call wisely, in accordance !
You can talk directly with the watch tenant, like a normal phone call ! You can see what the problem is, if it is a real or false SOS call, and at the same time track the watch to see where the person is! Very useful if he can’t talk !
And as we all know, it will happen to have the call answered by an automatic responder : Be assured, once the call ends, the watch sends an SMS text to the 3 registered numbers, with the GPS coordinates so you can track and call back to see what’s happening !
Again, choose the numbers wisely ! Choose people that are available and able to respond, and always prefer mobiles that accept SMS texts !
Real problems happens once or twice, the technology is there to help you, but you should use it wisely and at its best !
Ton Ange Gardien watch can be a normal mobile phone for calls between family members to break solitude, but it’s main function is the SOS call button in case of emergency”